Photoshop Workshop: Transformation, Hue/Saturation, Image Colour and Lighting

Transformasi dalam Photoshop

Tutorial kali ini adalah mengenai pengertian, penjelasan dan penguasaan teknik transform. Kalau mendengar kata transform saya jadi ingat sama film Transformer, seperti itulah maka transform bisa dikatakan perubahan bentuk…

Definisinya Teknik Transform adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk merubah bentuk gambar baik memperkecil, membesarkan, maupun men-skew/miring gambar.

Sebelum kita praktekkan maka kita buka gambar yang akan kita buat percobaan dengan Photoshop
atau pakai gambar contoh dari website ini
photoshop dasar
[download] – File Format *.zip
setelah itu Pada bagian Menu Utama Pilih Layer –> Duplikat Layer…–> [OK]

Masuk ke mode menu transform yaitu:
Edit –> Transform atau tekan [ctrl] + [T]
NB: Selesai transform tekan [enter]

Teknik transform ada 5 macam:

1. Pertama adalah teknik Scale
Yaitu teknik yang berguna untuk merubah ukuran gambar dalam hal ini memperbesar dan memperkecil gambar
Edit –> Transform –> Scale
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berubah menjadi
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Hasil Scale
tips: Untuk membuat ukuran gambar yang simetris tahan tombol [shift] sambil resize objek

2. Kedua adalah teknik Rotate
Yaitu teknik yang berguna untuk memutar posisi gambar
Edit –> Transform –> Rotate
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berubah menjadi
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Hasil Rotate (berputar)

3. Ketiga adalah teknik Skew/miring
Yaitu teknik yang berguna untuk memiringkan posisi gambar sehingga gambar bisa dimanipulasi efek miring
Edit –> Transform –> Rotate
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berubah menjadi
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Hasil Skew

4. Pertama adalah teknik Distort
Yaitu teknik yang berguna untuk memutar memiringkan secara otomatis / bisa dikatakan fungsi kemiringan otomatis dari teknik skew
Edit –> Transform –> Distort
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berubah menjadi
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Hasil Distort

5. Kelima adalah teknik Perspective
Yaitu teknik yang digunakan untuk membuat gambar berubah bentuk mengikuti perspektif / bentuk bangun yang dibuat, pada contoh saya membuat gambar mengikuti perspektif trapesium sama kaki
Edit –> Transform –> Perspective
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berubah menjadi
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Hasil Perspektif / Perspective

Dengan menguasai teknik transform maka kita akan lebih luas lagi dalam berkreasi dan berimajinasi, yup semoga penjelasan saya bermanfaat.

Transforming hue, saturation, and brightness

Transforming color is one of the most useful and powerful features Photoshop contains. It is also one of the most complex. In this section, we will introduce you to some of the most useful operations you can use to change the hue, saturation, and brightness of an image.

Under Image>Adjustments there are several simple commands you can use to control the color of your image. For example:

This command is easy to use and, as the name implies, can be used to adjust the overall brightness and contrast of your image. Adjust the sliders, and watch the effect they have on your image. A quick and easy way to adjust your image.
Levels are a more sophisticated way of adjusting the brightness and constrast of your image. The levels dialogue box looks like this:.
The graph that you see is called a “histogram.” It is a diagram of all the light and dark pixels in your image.The darkest pixels (shadows) are on the left, and the brightest (highlights) on the right In this particular example there is a small amount of dark areas (on the left), a small amount of “midtone” areas (in the middle), and a lot the brightest whites (all the way to the right).

The sliders underneath the histogram represent the blackest point, the middle point, and the brightest point in the image. By moving around the sliders you can determine where the lightest and darkest points of your image are. The remaining levels are distributed between these two points. Anything that is oustide the sliders is “clipped” and lost to either pure black or pure white.

When working with a photograph, the goal is usually to ensure that your image has adequately dark darks, and sufficently white whites. Watch what happens to your image when you move around the sliders Also, sometimes that Auto button does a nice job of doing the work for you. Try it and see what happens!

Color Balance
Color Balance controls the overall hue of your image. Hue is “pure color” and is measured on a continuous 360 degree circle. It is probably what you envision when someone uses the word “color.” The Color Balance dialogue box looks like this:
On the right-hand side of the dialogue box are the primary colors: red, green, blue. On the left are the secondary colors: cyan, magenta, yellow. Adjusting the sliders changes the overall balance of color in your image. Want to know more about how primary and secondary colors relate to one another? Have a look here.
Hue/Saturation is a very convenient tool for adjusting you images. The Hue/Saturation dialogue box looks like this:
The Hue Slider shifts the color spectrum of your image or selection (watch it move on the color bars on the bottom of the dialoge box). The Saturation slider adjusts the amount of color saturation (the intensity of the color). The Lightness slider changes the amount of lights and dark.

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